Remine Family Photographs:

1920 - 1955

from the Philly Cigar Box

Reverse Sides

• This list collects any text that may have been handwritten on the reverse sides of the photographs, as well as recording any numeric machine stamps for reference (in parentheses). These numeric stamps may help to find photographs from the same roll of film.

• Unfortunately, I was unable to sort these photographs in any way; they are listed in the random order I pulled them out of the cigar box and scanned them.

• You can also print out the 7-page PDF file for reference. Have fun!

001 - Aug 1, 1937 Wildwood (#858)
002 - 1936 (#12)
003 - Prieths - Island Beach 1946 (#312)
004 - 1938 (#119D)
005 - (#G 64 Petty's)
006 - (#5 129)
007 - (#G 64 Petty's)
008 - 25
009 - (#95)
010 - (#113)
011 - 257
012 -
013 - 1933 (#165 A)
014 -
015 -
016 -
017 - 1932 H. (#18)
018 - (#990B)
019 - (#990B)
020 - son Kenneth
021 - 1949
022 - (#22C)
023 - (#7023)
024 - (#2 207)
025 -
026 - 93
027 - (#2 207)
028 -
029 - Can't see any figs on this tree so you will have to take my word for it that it's an honest-to-goodness fig tree. Edith 32
030 -
031 - 257
032 - (#6656)
033 - (#0107)
034 - (#1 943)
035 - (#A 3108)
036 - (#A 3108)
037 - July 31, 1937 Cape May (#858)
038 - 193(6/7) Seaside Park (312)
039 - (#4 665)
040 - June 1948
041 - (#1002)
042 - 13 mo. 1935 (#17)
043 - (#3 224)
044 - (#6 176)
045 - (#519)
046 - 257
047 - (#6 176)
048 - (#3 193)
049 - 1938 (#119D)
050 - (#6 176)
051 - (#G 64 Petty's)
052 - (#5908)
053 -
054 - Aug 1, 1937 Wildwood (#858)
055 - (#7 439)
056 - (#7 439)
057 - (#G 64 Petty's)
058 - (partial) August 19xx, a (lindale - kalif ?)
059 - (#116)
060 - (#35)
061 - (#35)
062 - Jan 1935, Don & (Ethel?), 13 mo. (#17)
063 - 1946 - Cranford (?) - Leaving for Island Beach (#312)
064 - Cleo and I - Hollywood, July 5 - '25 (#46 86)
065 - (#017)
066 - a la Sennett (?), Hollywood July 5
067 - (#1011)
068 - 1938 (#632H)
069 - (#3 193)
070 - Branch Brook Pk., April 8, 1928 (#738)
071 - 1931 (#512)
072 - (#832)
073 - (partial) 1947, S(urprise) Lake (#035)
074 -
075 - (#7 439)
076 - (#3022)
077 - Just arrived! Hollywood, July 5 - '25
078 - (#7023)
079 -
080 -
081 - Merely illustrates how Alfred plays Romeo to Clio. Hollywood, July 5 (#46 86)
082 -
083 - (#3 193)
084 - (#3 193)
085 - (partial) 19 (rest of date is cut off)
086 -
087 - (#2 207)
088 - 199 (?)
089 -
090 - Hillside - Aug 1923 (#2 603)
091 - Such a beautiful background! Sweet essence of - vinegar!
092 - (#G 64 Petty's)
093 - The California Trio Al, me & Cleo - "I would have put me last, but I'm first
094 - 1931
095 - 1946 Island B(each) (#312)
096 - Oct 52 (#243)
097 - Helen Elizabeth Williamson (etc. see 097b - scan of reverse side) (#958)
098 - (#1002)
099 - Oct 52 (#243)
100 -
101 -
102 -
103 -
104 - (#A 3108)
105 - (#H24200)
106 -
107 - 1st wife Mabel
108 - H Zimmerman 883 Bergen (#804)
109 - Island B(each) 1946 (#312)
110 - What joy is there like the joy of (?) first love & what bitterness like the bitterness of its loss. Edith M. Glanty (see 110b - scan of reverse side) (#1 22)
111 -
112 -
113 - 1931 (#5908)
114 - 8150
115 - 1934, 7 mo.
116 -
117 - 1931
118 - 1936 (#22C)
119 -
120 - In San Gabriel Canyon, July 4, '25 Mrs. Hefflon, mother and I!
121 - 1937 (#42)
122 -
123 - (#3 307)
124 - (#116)
125 - Ken's home Demarest Hall (#0315)
126 - May 1948
127 - (#6 176)
128 -
129 - 08 (#5909)
130 - 1931
131- (#7 439)
132 -
133 -
134 -
135 - (#5 158)
136 - (#4 665)
137 - (#2 207)
138 -
139 - 573
140 - (#2 207)
141 - 8150 (141b - blank reverse side)
142 - 1939 Ken (#3140)
143 - 1938 (#084H)
144 - 253
145 - 573
146 - (#519)
147 -
148 - 185
149 - 8150 (149b - blank reverse side)
150 - (#30630)
151 - Chester Springs, March 6th (see 151b - reverse side scan)
152 -
153 -
154 - 1936 Seaside Park
155 - 1949
156 - 1932 (#23)
157 - 1946 Island B(each) (#078)
158 -
159 - 1947 S(urprise) Lake (#035)
160 - (#519)
161 - left to right Al, Dad, Mother, Mrs. Hefflon & Mr. Hefflon. Taken in front of our house
162 -
163 - 1935 (#B3)
164 - 1938 (#8099)
165 - A. Park 1932 H. (#23)
166 - Asbury Park Baby Parade 1932 (#23)
167 -
168 - "777E" (#84)
169 - Sandy 1933 (#195)
170 - (#519)
171 - (#017)
172 - (#017)
173 -
174 -
175 - July 3, 1937. S. Hts.
176 - 1949 Wfd (?)
177 -
178 - B3
179 - Jan 1934
180 -
181 -
182 -
183 - Ken Remine
184 - 93
185 - (#519)
186 - 253
187 - (daguerrotype)
188 - (cut off)...working around the house. Feb 22, '56
189 - Eva & Irene, Aug 913 - Aunt Eva to Gilbert Remine and her daughter Irene
190 - 1941
191 - (daguerrotype)
192 - March 9th, Uncle Morris to Gilbert Remine. Morris, Irene are brother and sister
193 - (daguerrotype)
194 - Jan '57 (194b - scan of writing on reverse - Ken's new jacket)
195 - Ken - me about 12 yrs old
196 -
197 - Apr '63 Ken - remember this? Dad 6/80
198 - 1949
199 - 1949 before glasses (#427620)
200 - Peter & Ken 1941 (#067)
201 - (#519)
202 - Jan 1935 - 13 mo. (Don) (#17)
203 - Silver Fox Tribe - Lone Scouts of America, Hillside Township, Elizabeth, NJ
204 - (postcard - see 204b - reverse side)
205 - ...ther Robbins (seated) Great grandmother & great grandfather to Gilbert Remine
206 - March 7th
207 - 1941 (#335)
208 - Aug 55 Look at that shape on Linda. Don't look any farther! Dad 6/80 (#B058)
209 -
210 - (#0107)
211 - (#0107)
212 - 1938 (#119D)
213 -
214 - Drake Ave 1941 (#335)
215 - 1941 Ken (#335)
216 - 1941 (#335)
217 - 1939 Ken (#2170)
218 - 7/25/40 (#437)
219 - 1940 (#2170)
220 - 1947 Pk. (#296)
221 - A. Walker ...... 7/04
222 - July 3rd, 1937 Halsey Picnic, S. Hts
223 - Aug 55 (vbook1)
224 - Aug 55 (vbook1)
225 - Aug 55 (vbook1)
226 - Aug 55 (vbook1)
227 - Aug 55 (vbook1)
228 - 1946 Island B(each) (#312)
229 - 1934 (#256)
230 - 4 mo. 1933 (#195)
231 - 4 mo. 1933 (#195)
232 - 1936 (#42)
233 - (#43 printed by Elizabeth Novelty Co., Elizabeth NJ)
234 -1946 Bud (#312)
235 - June 55 (vbook2) Dad & I at point Judith Coast Guard Station, P.J. A coast guard fellow took this for us - June 14, '55
236 - June 55 (vbook2) Scenery off Point Judith, June 14
237 - June 55 (vbook2) Back of motel we stayed at in Groton, Conn. 6:45 AM - still early haze
238 - June 55 (vbook2) Remine's back yard
239 - June 55 (vbook2) Same
240 - June 55 (vbook2) Me writing to you. Same time getting a suntan.
241 - June 55 (vbook2) Believe it or not that's lemonade on the table!!!
242 - June 55 (vbook2) Point Judith at the end of Narragansett Bay
243 - Ken 1938 (#119D)
244 - Ginger
245 - 1947 Surprise Lake (#035)
246 - (#C64442)
247 - 1940 (#3140)
248 - (#314D)
249 - "Jerry" age 9 weeks (#829)
250 - 1933 (#165 A)
251 - (#881)
252 - Miss Lydia Remine
253 - (color - Douglas & Dorian Remine)
254 - (color - Douglas & Dorian Remine)
255 - (#2 479)
256 -
257 - (#65)
258 - April 1938 (#660B)
259 - (#1 943)
260 - (A 3108)
261 - (A 3108)
262 -
263 - Alfred fell asleep!
264 -
265 - (#017)
266 -
267 - Don't we look natural? Anyway, that's just as natural as we could be - under the circumstances (see 267b - reverse side)
268 - 1946 Island B(each) (#312)
269 - 1933 (#601)
270 - Aug 14, 1936, S. Heights (#971)
271 - After Ken 1938 (#577)
272 - (#5999)
273 - 1950 (& 273b - blank reverse side)
274 - 199
275 - May 56 (vbook3) April 1 Easter Sunday after church. Mom, Dad & Judy
276 - May 56 (vbook3) Judy & Ken. Judy doesn't take a good picture. She's real cute.
277 - May 56 (vbook3) Judy
278 - May 56 (vbook3) Jacky, Chrissy & introducing Jimmy Rachalis
279 - May 56 (vbook3) Proud mama & papa & their brood
280 - May 56 (vbook3) Jimmy Lindsay & Dad. Don't they look content!
281 - May 56 (vbook3) Cousin Dick from Columbus
282 - May 56 (vbook3) "Ginger"
283 - May 56 (vbook3) The cummerbund & tie & hanky are red plaid - Wow!
284 - (#990B)
285 - (color) Son, Daughter-in-law & grandchildren of G. L. Remine
286 - Bud June 1948 (#4083)
287 -
288 - Plumber
289 - 1936 (#22C)
290 -
291 -
292 - 1932 H. (#18)
293 -
294 - (#3 193)
295 - 1932 (pete's favorite photo of gil) (#18)
296 - June 1948
297 - 1932 Honeymoon Belmar
298 - (#017)
299 - At the back of the house - holding down the Fleet
300 -
301 - (#4 665)
302 - (#3 68)
303 - 1931 (# 5998)
304 -
305 - (#3 193)
306 - (#7023)
307 - July 3, 1937 Salee May (#858)
308 - 1931 Gil (26)
309 - (#169 06)
310 - Don & Ken standing in front of cottage at the shore - Aug '47
311 - (Elizabeth Novelty Co.)
312 - 8150
313 - 1933 (#637)
314 - (#C1 857)
315 - 573
316 - (Elizabeth Novelty Co.)
317 - (Elizabeth Novelty Co.)
318 - "Music hath charms"
319 - (#135)
320 - 1932 (#23)
321 - Can't find a word
322 - (#A 3108)
323 - Al, Mother an' me.
324 - (#3 193)
325 - 1950 (#B87444)
326 - (#990B)
327 -
328 - 1944
329 - (#480D)
330 - Cape May, July 31, 1937 (#590)
331 -
332 - 1935 (#17)
333 -
334 -
335 - (#G 64 Petty's)
336 - 1936 (#162)
337 - 1936 (#971)
338 - Paddy 'n' me. October '25 Los Angeles
339 - Big Thompson's Cañon July 1924 Colo. (380)
340 - 1946 Island B(each) (#312)
341 - 1936 (#42)
342 - (#7 439)
343 - 1936 (#42)
344 - Palm Sunday, 1928 Glendale, Calif.
345 - Ron 1934 (#45)
346 -
347 - 1946 Diane (#312)
348 - (#35)
349 -
350 - (#9 36)
351 - (#4 192)
352 -
353 - (#430)
354 - July, 1952
355 - (#3 193)
356 -
357 -
358 - MR 908 Sunberg 518 Drake (#437)
359 - 1936 (#42)
360 - 1932 Honeymoon, A(sbury) Park (#23)
361 - 1932 A(sbury) Park (#23)
362 - 7/25/40 (#437)
363 - Cape May, July 31, 1937 (#858)
364 - (#3 193)

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